how to use this book
what is ielts?
- an overview
- the ielts academic module sub-tests
- myths and truths about ielts
- some interesting world wide websites for students and teachers
101 helpful hints
how to succeed at ielts / using the hints
ielts test - basic hints (1-15)
listening test hints (16-36)
reading test hints (37-58)
writing test hints (59-82)
- a basic understanding
- writing task 1
- cause and effect & comparison and contrast
- writing task 2
- sentence construction
speaking test hints (83-101)
.practice tests
how to take the practice tests
- practice listening test one
- notes on practice listening test one
- practice reading test one
- notes on practice reading test one
- practice writing test one
- practice speaking test one
- practice listening test two
- practice reading test two
- practice writing test two
- practice speaking test two
- practice reading test three
- practice writing test three
- practice reading test four
- practice writing test four
appendix 1 - speaking test board game
appendix 2 - answer keys and notes
appendix 3 - score interpreter
appendix 4- model answers to writing tests
appendix 5 - answer sheets
appendix 6 - listening test tapescripts
appendix 7 - translations for reading passages
appendix 8 - glossary
index to 101 helpful hints